Our History

About The South Simcoe Theatre
The South Simcoe Theatre (SST) is a not-for-profit community theatre dedicated to offering a wide variety of high quality productions. Each year, we present a program of contemporary as well as traditional theatre works. SST’s vision is to produce Great Community Theatre.
Our mission is to promote the integral role that theatre and the arts play in the structure of our society. We wish to initiate innovative ways to improve the quality of life in our community through inclusion, participation, education, and entertainment in a safe and welcoming place.
By bringing theatre to the community, we hope to not only entertain and delight regular theatre goers, but to also engage and encourage a new generation of theatre lovers.
SST’s first season was in 1966-1967. Since September 1983, our home has been the Old Town Hall in Cookstown, Ontario. September 2016 marked SST’s 50th Anniversary.

A Small Town Gem
Please enjoy this wonderful tribute to The South Simcoe Theatre by Mauro Vadacchino and members of the George Brown College Film Program. We are grateful that Mauro and his team have chosen to showcase The South Simcoe Theatre and we thank them for their insightful presentation of the "grand old lady of Hamilton Street".

Land Acknowledgment
The South Simcoe Theatre acknowledges that we hold space in the Town of Innisfil, which is situated on Treaty land steeped in rich Indigenous history. The South Simcoe Theatre recognizes that this land is the Traditional Territory of the First Peoples of Turtle Island. It is shared among the Anishinaabe peoples of Beausoleil First Nation, and Chippewas of Rama First Nation and we thank them for their generations of land stewardship.
We are privileged to continue to share stories on this land, and we thank those knowledge keepers and storytellers who have gone before. We look forward to learning and sharing more of their history.
Notice About Wheelchair Accessibility
​At present, The South Simcoe Theatre is not wheelchair accessible, and the theatre can only be accessed via two sets of stairs. Please know that this is important to us, and we are working with the Town of Innisfil to see if any improvements can be made in this area.